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Lived-in Balayage

Lightening / Balayage   $315+

For new clients or clients that haven't had their color touched up in about 6 months or so. Whether your goal is to be a blondie or a brunette, a combination of highlighting and balayage techniques are used to achieve your hair goals. Your hair health is always the top priority. Treatments and deep conditioning treatments are included with your lightening service.

Lightening / Balayage Touch Up  $285+

For existing clientele that want to maintain their lightened look in a range between 3-6 months. (This varies person to person based on home care and result) Balayage and lightening techniques are focused in the front, top and any areas that are most visible when hair is worn down or tied up.

Transformation Color

Extensive Transformation   $385+

This is for someone who wants to see big changes! For example someone who has naturally very dark brown or black hair and wants to be overall blonde, pink, blue, or whatever color they choose. Your main goal here is to have something different from what you currently have. 

If you are looking for a vivid fashion color, please note this in your appointment request so I can make sure your color is available and ready for you!

Corrective Color - Hourly TBD
 Consultation is required. Please send an email to krystellemrain with your basic information, hair history, photos of current hair, and photos of hair inspiration! Consultations are bookable online!


Haircut - Long to medium / $90

medium to long hair (below the shoulders and down). easier to manage and style. cut with feathered layers and texturized to your fit your hairstyling routine.

Precision Haircut / $105

chin to shoulder length. bobs, lobs, and detailed haircuts within this length. tailored to compliment your facial features and style

Bang Trim / $25

existing clients with fringe cut by me previously. curtain bangs, bottle neck bangs, face frame bangs. trim to the length that flatters your features and makes you feel most confident



Top Drop Treatment / $40

Instant hair gratification for thirsty, over processes, or blonde hair! Powerful deep treatments that require zero process time but packs a punch of nourishment to every hair strand! Add on to ANY service.

Olaplex or K18 / $40

Bonding treatment added to bleach or color for extra added protection and helps prevent chemical damage to the hair.

Clarifying Pre-Treatment / $60

A deep cleanse for hair that is built up on hair products, has been exposed to chlorine/salt water, and other environmental pollutants. This is beneficial for big color transformations and corrections

Wash Before Color / $35

Hair should be washed 1 or 2 days before your appointment. Clean hair is best canvas for even color penetration and saturation. If you need a wash right before your visit, add this onto your upcoming visit. 

* All color services are starting prices. Additional product and time will be charged accordingly

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